Her books.

In 1976 she had her first book, Tales of the Sahara, published in Taipei, a compilation work of her autobiographical narrations. This book, and her Diaries of the Canaries, are the only volumes by Sanmao so far to have been translated into Spanish.

These books, along with other testimonies of other Chinese friends and readers, give us a glimpse of the strength of a woman who not only made inroads into feminism, culture, sociology and literature. She also took an active part in a culture that was not originally her own, leaving behind a trail of personal ties and experiences, and which like silk, with no rough edges, she would weave into a tale of a strange blend of encounters…

Sanmao died at just 48 years of age in 1991. A part of her had probably already died on that fateful 30th September 1979, the day her beloved José María Quero dived into the sea never to return.
